Friday, 1 March 2013

South Goa: Palolem

We had our first experience of a sleeper train - Imy slept, Kat didn't. After 16 hours we arrived in Madgao and had a couple of hours to kill before our next train down to Palolem (little did we know that we could have just got off a few stops earlier!). So we hopped on the internet and Kat got in a fight with the internet guy over 10 rupees. He promptly threw us out. 

When we got to the station, we instructed the rickshaw man to take us to the cheapest homestay and this is how we ended up at "Flavia's Paradise". Our room was less paradise and more prison but it was cheap as chips and on the beach so can't complain! We wandered down the beach and couldn't believe how siiiiick it was - a bit like the beaches in Thailand.  

Indian man

We went to a bar with Bob Marley's greatest hits on repeat and watched the sun set over the sea while tucking into a Margherita pizza. Ended up at the headphone disco with a couple of people we met on the beach. Both got drunk and Kat fell over on the way home - sign of a good'un.

Disco Fweeends

Kat looking sick...


...Kat nearly being sick


....It turns out it isn't such a great idea to order fish curry when you're hanging.

On day 3 in Goa we finally got the balls to hire a moped. After a quick tour of a ditch, we arrived safely in Agonda beach. It was much quieter than Palolem but really beautiful. A quick dip in the sea turned into a bit of a nightmare though, as Imy got attacked by a the time we thought it could be a snake bite but the locals assured us that she would already be dead if it was one, so we concluded it was crab nip, not snake bite. To top off the day Kat stood in pig shit. All in all, a bit of a shocker but Imy's night was made when she met a waiter who supported Newcastle United - simple things.

Don't worry mums, we wore helmets!

We've fallen in love with Indian kids, especially this one little fat one we met who was too hot and bothered to join in with his friends playing football. He was literally a 40 year old man trapped in a chubby 7 year old's body. 3 little Indian kids performed a dance for us too and Imy actually got broody! 

Quick Game of Footie

We met another friend that night and headed to another headphone disco, knowing we had to get up early the next morning to leave for Anjuna. We were hesitant at first but soon caved and had a wicked night. Although we were too tight to hire the headphones, so it was a tad on the quiet side!

Imy and Abi - number 1 poker player in India!!

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